Todas y cada una de las expresiones artísticas en las diferentes disciplinas narran historias, reales, imaginarias, fantásticas… Pero, ¿podemos incluir dentro de las categorías artísticas el término videojuego?

De lo que si estamos seguros es que son ejemplos de la interacción con el diseño y la creatividad contemporánea. Además, factores como la calidad visual, la experiencia y expresión estética, innovaciones tecnológicas y la relevancia histórica y cultural se tienen en cuenta a la hora de determinar la artisticidad en los videojuegos.

El MOMA de New York ha mostrado su apoyo al mundo de los videojuegos adquiriendo una serie de títulos que reúnen todas las características para ser considerados piezas de arte como Magnabox Odyssey (1972), Pong (1972), Space Invaders (1978), Asteroids (1979), Pac – Man (1980), Tempest (1981), La Venganza de Yars (1982), Tetris (1984), Another World (1991), Myst (1993), Vib – Ribbon (1999), Sim City (2000), Eve Online (2003), Katamari Damacy (2004), Dwarf Fortress (2006), Flow (2006), Portal (2007), Passage (2008), Canabalt (2009) y Minecraft (2011). Además, ha anunciado su intención de aumentar su catálogo incluyendo Snake (1970) y Snake (1997) para móviles Nokia, Zork (1979), Donkey Kong (1981), M.U.L.E. (1983), Core War (1984), Marble Madness (1984), Super Mario Bros (1985), The Legend of Zelda (1986), NetHack (1987), Street Fighter II (1991), Chrono Trigger (1995), Super Mario 64 (1996), Grim Fandango (1998) y Animal Crossing (2001).

Artistic expressions in various disciplines tell stories which are real, imaginary, fantastic … However, Could we include videogame in the term artistic categories? We are sure that they are examples of interaction with design and contemporary creativity.  Also, factors such as visual quality, experience and aesthetic expression, technological innovations and the historical and cultural relevance are taken into account when selecting those games that have marked a before and after in this broad artistic field that much remains explore. The MOMA in New York has shown its support for acquiring a series of videogame titles which have all the qualities to be considered art pieces as Magnabox Odyssey (1972), Pong (1972), Space Invaders (1978), Asteroids (1979) Pac – Man (1980), Tempest (1981), The Yars Revenge (1982) Tetris (1984), Another World (1991), Myst (1993), Vib – Ribbon (1999), Sim City (2000) Eve Online (2003), Katamari Damacy (2004), Dwarf Fortress (2006), Flow (2006), Portal (2007), Passage (2008), Canabalt (2009) and Minecraft (2011). It has also announced its intention to increase its catalog including Snake (1970) and Snake (1997) for mobile Nokia, Zork (1979), Donkey Kong (1981), M.U.L.E (1983), Core War (1984), Marble Madness (1984), Super Mario Bros (1985), The Legend of Zelda (1986), NetHack (1987), Street Fighter II (1991), Chrono Trigger (1995) Super Mario 64 (1996), Grim Fandango (1998) and Animal Crossing (2001).

Pong (1972)

Pong (1972)

Space Invaders (1978)

Space Invaders (1978)

Pac - Man (1980)

Pac – Man (1980)

Tetris (1984)

Tetris (1984)

Sim City (2000)

Sim City (2000)

Donkey Kong (1981)

Donkey Kong (1981)

Super Mario Bros (1985)

Super Mario Bros (1985)

The Legend of Zelda (1986)

The Legend of Zelda (1986)